Let's work together for nature.
Let's work together for nature.
Since 2018, we have been working in schools to equip teachers and children, with an essential understanding of the Earth’s living systems, the state of biodiversity today, and the skills to rewild, regenerate and reconnect with nature - beginning in their own school grounds.

We are now in the process of creating INTEGRATE NATURE, a pioneering Eco-Literacy Training Programme to provide teachers with the skills to integrate nature back into the heart of learning.
The Nature and Rewilding Course for Schools.
A pioneering self-paced online learning programme for schools, that provides students and teachers with a full understanding of how to regenerate nature and protect biodiversity, whilst developing the skills to start rewilding, at school, at home or at a community project. State Schools can sign up today for FREE.
Become a rewilding school.
Through our online programme students learn how to create and restore habitats and implement regenerative land management practices that can support native wildlife within their own school grounds.
Need some inspiration? Learn about the transformation that has taken place in some of our rewilding schools.
Start your rewilding journey, enrol your school today.
Start your rewilding journey, enrol your school today.
Join our educational programme today.
And receive access to the Nature and Rewilding Apprenticeship Course with over 28+ lessons.
Our Sponsors and Supporters
Dr. Dominic Luckett, Headmaster of Sherborne School,
“Participation in this project presents a wonderful opportunity for our schools to work together to help address, on a local level, environmental issues about which we should all be concerned.
The rewilding aspect of the project is important in itself, allowing us to restore and protect the biodiversity of our school grounds. Even more important than that, however, is the educative aspect of the programme, allowing our pupils to learn more about the environmental challenges that the world faces and, we hope, to be inspired to do something about them not just today but in the future.”
Nicki Edwards, Headmistress of The Gryphon School, Sherborne
“It is a real privilege to be involved in this project which not only has the potential to change our environment for the better but also to create a greater understanding of how we co-exist with nature.”
Dr Ruth Sullivan, Headmistress of Sherborne Girls
“Working with nature brings first-hand understanding of our connection with and dependence on ecosystem services and the need for us to care for the natural world; a message which is at the heart of Operation Future Hope. We hope that this project really does sow the seeds of conservation and inspires the girls to take action – instilling a belief that stays with them always. I firmly believe it will bring huge physical and mental wellbeing benefits for us all on so many levels.”
The Enjoolata Foundation
"Over the past two years, we have proudly supported Operation Future Hope on the delivery of several projects, from an online Rewilding Apprenticeship course, to helping a Secondary School and two Primary Schools in the Brighton area embark on rewilding projects in their school grounds with guidance from OFH.
OFH’S determination to inspire, inform and mobilise the next generation to become the guardians and protectors of our planet is exactly the kind of leadership the world needs and we fully support them in their rewilding mission."