We believe teachers are absolutely central to equipping and empowering young people in bringing forth a new regenerative human presence and culture on Earth.

Start your personal journey of reunion with nature.

INTEGRATE NATURE is no ordinary teacher training programme, it is a journey into the self-discovery of the nature within you, the nature that is you, and the nature that supports you and all life on Earth.

  • Through this course you will feel supported, seen and valued in your role as an educator.

  • You will be immersed into a new way of seeing the natural world, and be inspired to weave this learning into your own teaching.

  • You will learn a systems thinking approach to the ecology and biology of the Planet that will allow you to see and understand the interconnectivity between all things.

  • You will learn about the real drivers of climate change, and discover what we can do to reverse this now, whilst restoring nature at the same time.

  • You will leave this course with active hope for the future, empowered and inspired to integrate nature into the lives of the children you teach.

70% of children are worried about the world they will inherit.

Children's mental and physcial health, separation from nature and the ecological crises.

Extensive studies by multiple organisations report:

  • 1 in 6 children are likely to have a mental health problem between the ages of 5 and 16.

  • 50% of all mental health problems start before the age of 14.

  • 39.2% of 6 - 16 year olds have experienced a deterioration in their mental health since 2017.

  • NHS report a 47% increase in eating disorders.

  • Suicide was the leading cause of death for males and females aged between five to 34 in 2019.

  • 60% felt that worries about climate change is affecting their generation’s mental health in the UK and,

  • 56% believe climate change is causing a deterioration in child mental health globally. 

Through this course you will learn about the direct correlation between children's mental and physical health, their disconnection from nature and the loss of biodiversity on the planet. And, you will learn about the pathways we have available to us now for healing and restoration.

“Our reintegration into nature, and a return to living in alignment with Natural Law is absolutely central to the transformation of humanity and the future of our species on Earth.”

Lesley Malpas


Why we have created this course.

In the last five and half years of delivering ecological learning in schools, we have identified an urgent need to provide and support you - teachers, of all subjects, with a foundational understanding of planetary science, ecology, and the latest scientific discoveries of what it means to be human, your true nature - one of interdependence, interrelatedness and interconnectivity with all life on Earth - and to do this in a way that also nourishes and supports you and your own personal and professional development.

70% of teachers report not having any training on any aspect of climate change. (sos.uk)

Reconnecting with Nature is not an optional extra - it is the only pathway forward for humanity.

We are all aware of the lack of connection between many young people and the natural world, but this disconnect extends across all of society, and the majority of teachers today have not been equipped with the essential ecological and environmental understanding necessary to help their students learn about their own nature and that of the living world.

Furthermore, teachers have not been given the understanding of the unlimited power of nature to restore children’s health and wellbeing through experiential learning and exposure to the living world.

Integrate Nature will change this by providing you with a level of eco-literacy on all these issues, combined with insight that will inspire, empower and give you the confidence to bring back nature into every lesson you teach - across the entire curriculum.

What teachers want.

A survey of 4,680 teachers in England found that two-thirds of secondary school teachers felt climate change was not taught in a meaningful way within their subject, even though nine out of ten said the climate was relevant to their subject area. 

Four in ten teachers said they would like more time and capacity to devote to climate issues, as well as more cross-subject collaboration. SOS.uk

All teachers we interviewed want to learn how to help children cope with eco-anxiety and mental health related problems, and want to promote children's health and wellbeing. However, most teachers felt ill-equipped to thread teaching about nature and the living world into their lessons.

Imagine this...

Schools being the places where children learn about and experience Nature - becoming the ground upon which they discover how to build a life in harmony and balance with the Planet and Natural Law.

Transforming culture

  • What if we could equip you with a foundational understanding about the centrality of nature to all life, and every human endeavour. 

  • What if could show you that the solutions to the converging climate, ecological, social, political and economic crisis are all to be found in our reintegrating ourselves back into right relationship with nature...and what if we could show you a pathway that we have to achieve this right now?

  • What if we could reveal to you how the wellbeing and mental health of the children you teach can be restored by nature.

  • What if we could equip you with the skills and resources to take meaningful action to help mitigate against climate change and biodiversity loss, and empower children to become co-creators of life beginning by rewilding their own school grounds... We believe this is how we will create cultural change towards a regenerative human presence on Earth.

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